Friday, October 10, 2008

A PERFECT MURDER - Strength Through Vengeance

Strength Through Vengeance
Victory Records - 2005

Talk about a vulgar display of power!

Yes, A Perfect Murder plays a style that is very similar to that of early Anselmo-era Pantera, an influence that shines through more so than any other. Listeners will also discover that A Perfect Murder is capable of more accessible grooving ala C.O.C. and Down.

So can it be said that A Perfect Murder possess a sound that is all their own?

Most certainly, they do not.

But this doesn’t change the fact that this band is damn good at what they do.
Consequently, it is pretty obvious that this band puts enough thought into their songwriting that it remains interesting. While some may feel that they have heard it all before, this simply is not the case. APM blend these inspirations into a massive fist of steel designed to bludgeon the listener into submission.

For example, the lead-off title cut lets loose with a thrashing barrage that segues into a mighty power groove. Kevin Randel’s vocals are suitably aggressive in order to fit well with the crunching guitars and slamming beats, and the singer opens up into a looser style during songs like “Wake Up And Die” showing that he can sing with melody just as well as he can issue a vicious, rabid bark. Those that long for the soloing style pioneered by Bay Area metal will certainly appreciate the six-string wizardry of Carl Bouchard. His technique fits the pounding rhythms well. Soloing with speed is only one facet of his skill; the guitarist also plays with a flair for accentuating the song on the whole. “Snake Eyes” is a southern sledgehammer, purveyor of a massive thump and a growling, slinking rhythm.

The best aspect of the entire record is the fact that APM keeps things flowing with contrasting songs that make the album one that you’ll want to listen to all the way through every time you put it in. A great album that seethes with an intense metal spirit, “Strength Through Vengeance” is a solid block of concrete that stands up as an excellent metal release.


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